Burbot Bash 2025






Join us: January 24-26th

Registration will open January 1-January 20, 2025






January 24-26th

Catch the Ugliest Fish in the West

January 24-26th

Thousands in Prizes!

January 26-28, 2024

2025 BB Final Results
2025 BB Day 1 Results
Livescope winner
2025 Prizes

Enter one of the best ice-fishing tournaments in the west and help maintain the trophy fishery in Flaming Gorge! Over $30,000 in cash and prizes are up for grabs in this family friendly winter event.

Ice fishing tips for catching Burbot

When to fish:

  •  Burbot are typically most active at night.
  • Fishing the first 2-3 hours following sunset and the couple hours before sunrise can be very productive periods.
  • Anglers also talk about a productive bite in the middle of the night.
  • Anglers also catch a few Burbot during the middle of the day in deep water.

Where to fish:

  •  Fish within or immediately adjacent to rocky areas both on the main reservoir and within bays.
  • The substrate may vary greatly, but fishing in or immediately adjacent to rocky substrates is always good!
  •  Target the habitat adjacent to cliffs and rocky areas with a slope typically less than 60 degrees
  •  The mouth of bays tucked within a large cliff complex can also be good.
  •  The deep vertical habitat immediately in front of most cliffs tends to hold few Burbot.
  •  A good bathometric map that shows the underwater contours of FGR is essential to identify promising areas that will hold Burbot (for example: Fish-n-Map Company available from local stores or online at www.fishnmap.com or use an app on your phone like Navionics).

Lures and bait:

  •  Lures that glow are a must for Burbot.
  •  Find lures in local tackle stores or by searching the web for “glow lures” or “lures that glow”.
  •  Jigs with glow grub or tube bodies, wide hook gap, and in ¼-½ ounce sizes are recommended.
  •  Jigging spoons that glow from ¼-½ ounce weight with stout treble hooks also work well.
  •  Glowing lures that rattle and vibrate when jigged are both very productive.
  •  Burbot are not lure or line shy. Use sufficient weight to get the lure down quickly.
  •  Stout and sharp hooks and strong fishing line (8-12lb test) are a must.
  •  It is critical to recharge glow lures every 15-20 minutes with flash lights, UV lights, or camera flashes.
  •  Bait hooks with a strip of sucker or chub meat (skin on) that is 1 inch long and ½ inch wide. Sometimes sizing down your bait can pay large dividends while still having plenty of scent and flavor.

How to fish:

  •  Auger 20-30 or more holes before wetting a line.
  •  If you fish a hole for more than 15 minutes without a bite – try a different hole.
  •  Remember on Flaming Gorge, you can fish up to 6 rods or tip-ups per angler through the ice.
  •  Fish within a few inches of the bottom in 20 to 60 feet, these depths tend to be productive.
  •  Jig at last one lure lightly, bouncing the lure on the bottom from time to time.
  •  Check tip-ups every 20 minutes or so, Burbot frequently swallow lures without triggering the flag.
  •  Hand jig tip-up lines for a few minutes every time you check them.
  •  Don’t fish by other groups of people – noise and commotion can negatively impact the bite.

Other Tips:

  •  Burbot move and forage in small schools. Take advantage of this.
  •  You can catch a 2nd or 3rd fish quickly if you get your lure back down to the school quickly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Burbot?

historyThe burbot is a freshwater cod-like fish that has a serpentine-like body, and is like a cross between an eel and a catfish, but with only a single barbel on the chin. Many fisherman have claimed burbot wrap themselves around their arms as they try to disengage the hook. The burbot’s body is elongated, while the head is flattened, with a wide mouth consisting of many small teeth on both the upper and lower jaws. The burbot is often called a ling cod, but is actually only a close relative.

Besides having voracious appetites, burbot are nocturnal feeders, which is a cause for concern in the Flaming Gorge where most other fish are day time feeders. They love the eggs of other fish and have been known to feed on the spawning grounds of other species. Female burbot egg releases range from 60,000 to 3.4 million eggs for each batch.The known predators of the burbot: northern pike, muskellunge, and some lamprey species are not found in the Flaming Gorge, which is another reason why the Burbot Bash is needed to help keep their numbers under control.

Much of this information was derived from Wikipedia, for more detailed information follow the Wikipedia link or visit the About Page.

How can I win prizes during the Burbot Bash?


All cash and prizes will be based on 300 participants. Prize payouts and places will be adjusted with increased participation. Burbot size is determined by length with weight being a tie-breaker.

Most Burbot ~ 3 places $1,500, $1000, $750
Biggest Burbot ~ 3 places $1000, $750, $500
Smallest Burbot ~ 3 places $500, $350, $200

Tagged Burbot Grand Prize - $2,000


  1. Tagged Burbot Grand Prize: All tagged Burbot (including internal PIT tags, radio tags and external Floy tags) will be eligible for the Tagged Burbot drawing. The first tag drawn will win the grand prize of $2,000.
  2. Tagged Burbot Rewards: All remaining tagged fish, excluding the Tagged Burbot Grand Prize winner, will be entered into the Tagged Burbot Reward category. This is a sponsorship category and all funds will be split equally between participants who catch a tagged fish. For example, if the Reward category has $1000 and ten tagged Burbot are caught, the payout is $100 per tagged Burbot (excluding the Tagged Burbot Grand Prize winner discussed above).
  3. Teams should check-in all Burbot, large or small; any of them could be a tagged fish.
  4. Entrants who catch a tagged fish must be present (or designate a team member to represent them) at the closing ceremonies to be eligible for Tagged Burbot prizes.
  5. All tagged Burbot caught during official tournament hours will be retained by a tournament official in a bag with team information until the awards ceremony on Sunday.



Do fish caught during the tagged fish portion of the tournament count towards the Biggest, Most and Smallest prizes during the event?





What happened to the Youth Categories?

The committee decided to eliminate the small prizes in youth categories and have everyone on the team compete an equal footing. However, the entry fee for youth 13 and younger is half the price of an adult! In addition, all youth participants whom attend the Closing Ceremonies will receive a participation prize in addition to any angling or raffle drawing prizes.

Can I have 4 youths on one team?

No. Each team must have an adult (18+) as its captain.

How many persons are needed to make a team?

At least 2 and up to 4 persons.

Do I have to pre-register?

Yes, all participants must enter online before January 22nd

Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
Wyoming Game and Fish
US Forest Service